October 12th, 2020 by
Washing your car on a beautiful summer’s day can be quite a therapeutic way of passing a couple of hours, with the added bonus of seeing it gleam in the sunshine afterwards. Washing it in the grey and cold of a winter afternoon perhaps doesn’t have the same appeal. Bad weather can reduce your opportunity to do it and it’s difficult not to be deterred by the inevitability of it just getting dirty again within days, if not hours. But therein lies the rub; the rain, freezing temperatures, and dirty roads that make cleaning your car an entirely less pleasurable task are the very conditions that require you to do it.
Why you need to wash your car more in the winter
Aside from the obvious fact that your car is likely to get dirtier in the winter, the big issue that you need to be aware of is salt corrosion. Salt is commonly used to melt snow and ice on the roads. While this is undoubtedly a good thing for your safety, it has the potential to wreak havoc on your car’s paintwork and underside.
Salt from the road splashes up onto your car in wet weather (and we certainly get our fair share of that in the winter!). It then adheres to your vehicle. The salt mixed with water creates a chemical reaction: oxidisation. Oxidisation corrodes metalwork, causing it to rust.
Rust will damage the bodywork of your car, but it can also be particularly harmful to the brake and fuel lines because of their close proximity to the road, underneath the car. You don’t need to be a mechanic to know how important it is that these components remain in good condition.
How often should you wash your car in winter?
The general advice is to wash it at least every two weeks. You can be guided somewhat by the weather conditions. Freezing temperatures obviously mean more salt on the road and wet weather creates more spray. If we get a spell of this type of weather, it would be advisable to wash your car more frequently. If we get dry, mild weather, you may get away with doing it less regularly.
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Tips for washing your car in the winter
When you wash your car take care to clean underneath as well as the bodywork. A pressure washer can be particularly useful for this. Applying a good quality wax will give paintwork some protection. Take note of any scratches or chips and have them repaired before they create bigger problems. Give your car a good rinse before sponging or wiping. This will remove the majority of salt and grit (another common substance found on the roads in winter) and help you avoid rubbing it over the surface of the paint, which could potentially scratch it.
It is a good idea to thoroughly dry your car after washing so that excess moisture is not allowed to freeze. If you wash it with a few hours of daylight left (and, hopefully, some sunshine) this will help evaporate the water.
It may seem like a bind over winter to wash your car as regularly as this, but it will pay dividends in keeping your car in good condition and safe to drive.
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